Having thoughts about or planning to renovate your home? Whether you’re planning a small upgrade or a major overhaul, understanding the role of building permits is crucial for a successful renovation project. In this guide we will go over the role building permits have in home renovations.
A building permit is an authorization for “any person, firm, corporation, or governmental entity to construct, erect, alter, modify, repair, or demolish any building within this state.” Florida Statute 553.79. A permit ensures that a proposed renovation complies with local and governmental guidelines and safety standards.
There are many reasons as to why building permits are necessary. These are the main reasons:
To Ensure safety: Safety is a big reason why building permits are necessary, as it ensures all renovations/ modifications are in accordance with all safety regulations. This is to prevent unnecessary injuries to any person or entity doing the work.
Home Value: Following the required building permits may increase the value of your home when it comes time to sell. Prospective buyers look to see that improvements or modifications to a home are made correctly. Having a building permit ensures prospective buyers that the work was done to regulation specs.
Legal Compliance: Permits are created to ensure that improvements and modifications or any other changes that are made to a home follow the local enforcing agents such as the “Florida Building Code, the Florida Fire Prevention Code, or the Life Safety Code.” Section 553.79 4(b) of the Florida Statutes. If not followed the property owner can be subject to fines, delays, and extra costs to home improvements.
Several steps need to be completed to obtain a building permit. The basic steps involve the following:
Research Permit Needed – Determining what kind of permits you need is the first step in obtaining one. There is no one permit-fits-all solution. Each job is different and thus will require a building permit. Examples are electrical, plumbing, and building work all need separate permits to name a few.
Application – Once you have determined the permits needed to complete your improvement/ modification the next step is to submit a permit application. A completed application is then submitted to the local enforcement agency for review. Each local enforcement agency has different requirements that are needed to process applications.
Permit Review – Once a permit application is submitted it is reviewed by the local enforcement agency to determine if all information is correct. They will also advise if there is any missing information you may need to submit to approve or deny the applications.
Permit approval – Once the review process is over the local agency will typically approve your permit assuming all application requirements were met.
Inspections – Upon approval of an application and the permit has been received, you may then begin the improvements or modifications to your home. Usually, these are done by a licensed contractor. Throughout the renovation process, the local enforcement agency will send an inspector to ensure all renovations are completed to the permit’s specifications. The inspection process is a continuous process.
Completion – Once all the work is completed, there will be one more final inspection to ensure everything is correct and once verified the project will be deemed complete and the permit will be closed out.
Building permits have a significant role when it comes to home improvements, renovations, and modifications. Building permits can be a tedious task but following the necessary steps it can ensure that your home project is completed timely and efficiently. It is always advisable to consult with your local authorities and licensed professionals to ensure that you are complying with all legal regulations and requirements.
For all your legal needs, please contact RAK Law Firm, PLLC online or at (407) 437-0319.